OPcache settings... significant?

I followed the methodology laid out in the LinuxBabe cookbook style HowTo here:

Everything went fine on Debian Bullseye.

But I also affected some OPcache settings in php.ini that I’ve done before when installing with Apache before I moved NextCloud to the new server w/Nginx.

Many of these are default and commented, but I uncommented them anyway, and some of them I changed. I’m wondering what impact, if any, I’m likely to experience considering I’ve set up Redis as per the tutorial.

opcache.enable=1 # uncommented, value was originally “0”, changed to “1” - (line ~1770)
opcache.enable_cli=1 # uncommented, value was “0”, changed to “1” - (line ~1771)
opcache.interned_strings_buffer=8 # Just uncommented prolly (line ~1779)
opcache.max_accelerated_files=10000 # Just uncommented (line ~1783)
opcache.memory_consumption=128 # uncommented (line ~1776)
opcache.save_comments=1 # uncommented (line ~1811)
opcache.revalidate_freq=1 # uncommented, changed value from “2” to “1” (line ~1801)

So I’m wondering, if I may inadvertently experience a degradation in performance, a boost, or more like, no difference whatsoever.

Your thoughts, suggestions?

The performance bottleneck in LAMP and LEMP stack is MariaDB/MySQL. You will get a better return on your time investment by optimizing the database.

Nextcloud is much faster with PostgreSQL. To switch from MariaDB to PostgreSQL, follow these steps.

Note: If you use PHP7.4 with Nextcloud, simply change php8.0 to php7.4. If your Nextcloud is installed under /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/, then change /var/www/nextcloud/occ to /usr/share/nginx/nextcloud/occ.

Step 1: Install Postgresql

sudo apt install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib

PostgreSQL and MariaDB can run on the same server. You don’t need to remove MariaDB.

Step 2: Install PostgreSQL PHP module

sudo apt install php8.0-pgsql

Step 3: Create Database for NextCloud in PostgreSQL

Log into PostgreSQL as the postgres user.

sudo -u postgres psql

Create the nextcloud database


Create a user.

CREATE USER nextclouduser WITH PASSWORD 'nextclouduser_password';

Grant permissions to the database user.

ALTER DATABASE nextcloud OWNER TO nextclouduser;

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE nextcloud TO nextclouduser;

Press Ctrl+D to log out of PostgreSQL console.

Run the following command to test if you can log in to PostgreSQL as nextclouduser.

psql -h -d nextcloud -U nextclouduser -W

Step 4: Start the Migration.

sudo -u www-data php8.0 /var/www/nextcloud/occ db:convert-type --all-apps --password "nextclouduser_password" pgsql nextclouduser localhost nextcloud

Once it’s done, go to Nextcloud web interface settingsSystem, scroll down and you will find that Nextcloud is now using PostgreSQL.