[Performance] Mail Server Ubuntu Server

Hello I have a mail server hosted above Ubuntu

1 vCPU
1GB / 25GB Disk

And the mailserver has:

-Netdata web stats viewer

  • And all ubuntu packages to not be marked as SPAM mail

Every time I send a single mail the CPU hits 100% and it takes like 2min and 30 seconds to get the mail delivered, is that normal? Should I buy a better server or I just made something bad that is eating all my performance?

I am not too used to work with self hosted mail servers, thanks in advance, LinuxBabe guides are the best.


Hello @tiz

I think it might be due to the 1GB of memory

if you’re running Ubuntu 18 and above, you can follow up the logs of postfix for example just like this

journalctl -f _SYSTEM_UNIT=postfix.service

Also you can open another Terminal tap & run the top command then press c [ To show the full path for the running command ] Then Filter with the most process that has a heavy load on your CPU by pressing the letter P [ Capital P ]

You can also check this link which provides you with the System Requirements For Running IRedMail


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You need at least 2GB RAM for iRedMail to work properly. For better performance, upgrade to 4GB RAM.

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Got it, thanks. With that I just meet iredadmin-easy and seems really cool.

Probabbly cause on the server I almost have 1GB and like 30% are already used by the system and other tools.

I have just setup a postfix - dovecot - postfix admin Email Server following @LinuxBabe’s awesome tutorials.

I’m host on Digital Ocean on one of their $5 cheap droplets, with similar specs as one listed above. It’s just hosting one small traffic business site and one personal email account.

When I run a top I appear to be fine.

load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00

When will I see issues, if at all? Trying to be economical.


Its definitely your ram. I wouldn’t run an email server with less than 4gigs of ram. 8 is preferred.